Friday, February 17, 2012

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

1. I am actually not sure what I am doing for my second independent component. I might take a sign language class at Mt. Sac. Or I might learn how to perform hearing tests and perform them on people, maybe do a hearing test for the school.

2. How the sign language class would give me 30 hours is that I would have to be there 2-3 hours  a class. That means in about 10 classes I will have already completed my 30 hours. If I do the hearing tests I would have to spend at least 20 hours learning everything there is to know about performing a hearing test, how to actually perform one, and how to read the results. The rest of the 10 hours would be the time it takes to actually perform said hearing tests.

3. How the sign language class relates to my eq is that when I say assisting interpreting is one of the things that I mean. In order to interpret I would need to know sign language. Right now I know very basic sign, but by taking a class I would be on my way to being fluent. Also it would start me on my path to becoming an interpreter. The hearing tests relate to my eq because again by assisting this is one of the things that I mean. So knowing how to perform a test would help me to understand better what to do with a patient when they come to me.

1 comment:

  1. Not approved...Why? You need to pick one of these three great ideas, then let me know when you complete this blog so I can give you credit. Note that your blog grade decreases as time goes by. In other words, please decide what you are doing soon!
