Friday, February 17, 2012

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

1. I am actually not sure what I am doing for my second independent component. I might take a sign language class at Mt. Sac. Or I might learn how to perform hearing tests and perform them on people, maybe do a hearing test for the school.

2. How the sign language class would give me 30 hours is that I would have to be there 2-3 hours  a class. That means in about 10 classes I will have already completed my 30 hours. If I do the hearing tests I would have to spend at least 20 hours learning everything there is to know about performing a hearing test, how to actually perform one, and how to read the results. The rest of the 10 hours would be the time it takes to actually perform said hearing tests.

3. How the sign language class relates to my eq is that when I say assisting interpreting is one of the things that I mean. In order to interpret I would need to know sign language. Right now I know very basic sign, but by taking a class I would be on my way to being fluent. Also it would start me on my path to becoming an interpreter. The hearing tests relate to my eq because again by assisting this is one of the things that I mean. So knowing how to perform a test would help me to understand better what to do with a patient when they come to me.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Independent Component 1

a) I, Alicia Sepulveda, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) What I completed was a a week, starting and ending everyday during school hours, of being deaf. I also wrote a paper explaining what my week was like and what would need to be done to accommodate a deaf student at a hearing school.

By doing this week of deafness I got to see first hand what it is like to be a deaf student. Doing this gave my insight that I would never get being a hearing person. Going through my life at school not being able to hear is the closest I will ever get to being completely deaf. By doing this I know and understand the deaf community more because I know and understand what exactly it is that they have to live with everyday. I did almost 24 hours of being deaf and I worked on a paper for over 6 hours. Those 23 hours and 47 minutes were observed by my teachers and by students all over iPoly. My paper I wrote for 4 hours and spent the rest of time I spent correcting and rewriting said paper. I took screen shots of my clock to show the time laps in when I was working.

My essential question has to do with working with the deaf. By doing this independent component I was able to see what a deaf student would need and how I would need to prepare if this student where in an all hearing class. By analysing what I experienced and figuring out how it would have been better I saw what I would need to consider in assisting a heard impaired person. An example is I now know that I would have to find a way to allow my deaf student to see what other people where saying in the class. When I ask a question I need to have an effective way of getting what is said in an answer across to the deaf student. I learned that and much more about what I would need to do when working with a deaf student.

The screen caps of the time while I was working on my essay. They start at PM end at AM.

Link to my essay -----> One Deaf Week

Link to my Log -------> Independent Component Log